How Solitude With Horses Was Born

Solitude with Horses is the brainchild of Julie Bradshaw. Julie endured monumental challenges from 2013 to 2023, in addition to loss and abuse in her youth. The trauma took a toll on Julie. What saved her over and over was spending time alone with her horses in Leander. This time helped her to heal, provided clarity, gave her strength, and in all honesty, at times, kept her alive.

Julie also has a now-adult son on the autism spectrum. She is his primary caregiver. The stresses of caregiving are immense and overwhelming.

Life is and was loud, chaotic, and stressful. But as soon as Julie steps through the gate of the land where her horses live, she begins to relax. Since most of her horses have been rescues and not ridable due to one reason or another, Julie spends most of her time on the ground with them. This is where the magic happens.

As Julie recovered from the trauma she experienced, she realized that the world could use Solitude With Horses. Now more than ever individuals are struggling with trauma, financial instability, physical health issues, and more. More and more people are caregivers of people with disabilities and have no support or relief. With social media, the internet, and the constant societal drive to DO, there aren't many places or times where a person can truly be alone. And horses have this incredible ability to help us see and feel what needs to change in our lives.

Young woman in white tshirt and brown cap petting face of chestnut horse with white blaze in Solitude with Horses session

Why Solitude with Horses Works

“Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.”

Oprah Winfrey

There are tremendous benefits to spending time alone, with horses, and in nature. Some of the benefits of Solitude with Horses are:

  • Decrease in Stress-When you step away from “all the things” your body and mind can relax. While you are with Julie's horses, you can step away from “all the things” and let go. When the body is relaxed, healing can take place. Many physical ailments stem from stress-related issues.
  • Achieve Clarity-Shutting off the world for even a short time allows for answers to questions, solutions to problems, and other insights to bubble up. It's similar to having those “lightbulb moments” when you're driving or in the shower.
  • Experience the Magic of Horses-Horses just have a way about them. If you are called to them, you understand. The instant you see them in pictures even, but even more so when you are in their physical presence, they connect to your heart and soul in a way that truly does seem magical. The horses that find Julie are extra special in their stories and gifts. They will help you in ways you can't possibly expect.
  • Enhance Creativity-Because of all of the above, your creative muse may awaken. Creativity of all types is enhanced when you are relaxed, quiet and in nature. In light of this, Julie provides journals/notebooks and sketchbooks, coloring books, as well as drawing pencils and colored pens for you to take advantage of.
  • Identify Patterns/Trauma Triggers-When the body and mind relax, you may have the ability to more easily see patterns in your experiences and behavior. You may also be able to more easily recognize triggers that are a result from past trauma.
Man with short brown hair leans his head against head of bay horse, Solitude with Horses session

What Each Session Includes (There are two options)

Solitude with Horses includes the following:

  • A total of up to 2 hours on site. (Address in Leander provided after registration.) The 2 hours are loosely broken up as follows:

    Up to 15 minutes of goal/intention setting with Julie. This enables you to set a parameter for the session and lets Julie know what you plan to work on, if anything. (As sometimes you don't know or don't want to put any boundaries on what happens.) Julie may give guidance or simply hold space for you. Learn more about Julie HERE.

    Up to 90 minutes of Solitude with Horses out in the pasture with one or more of Julie's horses. This is where the magic happens. The horses move with you, around you, away from you. They guide you with their behavior. They respond to you, your energy, and even what is going on with you physically.

    Up to 15 minutes of time with Julie to close out, review the goal/intention, be heard and give feedback.
  • Solitude with Horses PLUS includes all of the above, PLUS an additional 30 minutes of time with Julie for a total of an hour (total overall time is 2 1/2 hours) to help process, do related coaching or energy work, or whatever you need.
  • Julie's horses are on 20 acres of land right in the city of Leander. She leaves the land untouched for the most part to create an oasis for the birds and wildlife that make their home there, in addition to her horses. Depending on the time of year, there may be hawks, owls, rabbits, foxes, butterflies, bluebonnets, sunflowers and other wildflowers. Julie also has a large barn cat named Cookie who will love on you as long as you let her.
  • You will have access to journals/notebooks with removable pages so you can take home any insight you've recorded.
  • You will have access to coloring books and/or sketchbooks should you prefer to use these to journals/notebooks. There will be colored pencils and pens available for use.
  • An FAQ document will be sent to you after registering that Julie asks that you read in advance so that your time on property is used consciously and carefully. These are commonly asked questions about the horses, the property, safety around horses, etc.
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Julie Bradshaw's horses, Teddy a dark bay walking toward photographer, palomino horse behind grazing, chestnut horse further behind grazing

Is a Solitude with Horses Session Right for You?

  • Are you struggling with processing traumatic experiences? Are you feeling blocked? Are you trying to find a solution to a situation in your life or to life patterns you can't seem to get out of? Do you just need to escape from the chaos of your life for even a little bit?
  • Are you a caregiver for a person with disabilities or with intense needs? Having the opportunity to relax, not be responsible for anything, and to be in a space where someone truly understands is truly caregiver support of the best kind. You'll be delighted and touched by the care that the horses, and Julie, give you.
  • Do you love horses and are comfortable being around them without fear? (These are not sessions for people who are highly afraid of horses. If you've not been around them much but also aren't afraid, I share safety guidelines as part of the FAQ document sent before the session and will review them with you at the beginning of the session.)
  • Do you love nature and spending time there? There are several very old trees and many younger trees, wildflowers (from spring to fall), and many forms of wildlife that occupy the land. It's peaceful and healing.
  • Are you ready for change in your life? Sharing what needs change, or where you need healing, with Julie allows her to set up that energy and space for you. You will find as you meet with Julie before and after you meet with her horses that it is a team effort. Julie has a way of helping you penetrate to the core issue, even if you don't know what the core issue is yourself.
  • Do you live in Leander, Cedar Park, Austin, Georgetown, Round Rock, Jonestown, Dripping Springs, Pflugerville, Burnet, Marble Falls, Killeen, Harker Heights, Salado or other Central Texas areas (or are traveling here) and are looking for a unique horse experience, self-care experience, caregiver support, or horse “therapy” experience? There is nothing else like it anywhere, here or anywhere else. Come find out!
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What Else You Need to Know

  • Due to the land being allowed to grow uninhibited, the wildflowers and grasses can sometimes be tall. Jeans or other thick long pants are strongly recommended. Otherwise scratched and itchy legs will be a problem. In some parts of the year, stickers and burrs are common as well. So, softer leggings are not recommended or you will be picking them off for an extended period of time.
  • Close-toed shoes are REQUIRED for entry. Horse feet and human feet occasionally collide and the more protection you have, the better. If you don't have jeans or thick pants, tall boots will work almost as well.
  • A Release of Liability is REQUIRED for entry. It will be sent after registration of your first session and kept on file.
  • Julie is a photographer and may record a photo or two of you with the horses if you are comfortable with this. This may be offered to you personally or used in her promotion of the Solitude with Horses sessions. If you're in agreement, a Model Release is necessary. It is provided after registration of your first session and is kept on file. It can be revoked at any time.
  • There is no bathroom facility on site. Julie strongly recommends using the bathroom before arrival. Should you need to use the restroom on site, there is a “camp toilet” (5-gallon bucket with a toilet seat) or horse stall available.
  • There is running water on site if you need to wash your hands at any time.
  • An FAQ and Safety document will be sent after booking and MUST be read before attending the first session. This is for your benefit so that time is not spent during the actual session answering these common questions.
Young woman with long brown hair, colorful bandana on her head, orange shirt, and blue jeans pets a dark bay horse on the shoulder during a Solitude with Horses session.

Book Your Solitude with Horses Session

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Just click HERE or on the above button, to book AND schedule your Solitude with Horses session. (Prepayment is required.)

The Solitude with Horses session that is a total of 2 hours is only $99 and that can include up to 2 people. (Although multiple people somewhat defeats the purpose of solitude, just sayin'. 😉 )

The Solitude with Horses PLUS session that is a total of 2 1/2 hours is $150.

Please note the details about availability for these sessions vs. my virtual only sessions. I keep daytime mornings, two evenings a week, and Saturday mornings open for these sessions. If you cannot make any of these times work, please reach out to me at 512-633-6191 (text or call) or and I will try to find a time that works for us both. NOTE: During summer hours, the earlier the better if you are booking a morning session. It becomes very hot past 11 a.m. For evenings, please book no later than 6:00 p.m. for starting time.

These funds help support the care of the horses as well as my two sons. 🙂

Once you have paid and scheduled, I will email you the information and forms I mentioned above. If you have not received these within 24 BUSINESS hours, please reach out to me at 512-633-6191 (text or call) or

P.S. I do not need any volunteers at this time. And I do not offer riding, riding lessons, camps, etc. I'm a one-woman woman-owned business that is also a single mom of two, one of whom has special needs. I can only do so much. 🙂 Thank you for understanding.