Horse Magic Experience by Julie Bradshaw photo of palomino horse with turquoise halter and woman with red hair leaning her head onto his neck

The Horse Magic Experience is for you if you:

  • Own horses or don't own horses
  • Want to learn animal communication
  • Want to learn to trust your intuition with horses, and Julie, as your guides
  • Want to start or increase your energy healing practice and knowledge
  • Want to get life coaching from Julie and her horses
  • Love horses and want to understand more about their behavior, intelligence, and energy

What is The Horse Magic Experience?

The Horse Magic Experience is just that. It's a magical experience with Julie and her horses. If you are a horse lover of any kind, it is because you are drawn in by the sheer magic of horses. It is undeniable.

This horse experience takes place on location in Leander, TX (near Austin, Georgetown, Round Rock, Liberty Hill, Lago Vista and the greater Austin area and Hill Country) and will be customized according to your wishes and needs. It is approximately 2-2 1/2 hours long and may include any of the following:

  • Coaching on trusting and initiating/building your intuition, animal communication gift, empath abilities, energy healing or other spiritual gifts via interactions and experiences with the horses. You may have a little knowledge or you may have a lot and want to deepen it. Julie has been full-time coaching and teaching people about intuition/animal communication, being an empath and energy healing for close to two decades. Her entire professional career of over thirty years has included training, teaching and mentoring.
  • If you are a current horse owner, you will receive insight into communicating with and “reading” your own horses. In most cases, your own horses are more difficult initially because you are with them day in and day out. Getting the experience of working with my horses will guide you in working with your own.
  • Coaching using the behavior of the horses as guides. Horses respond to your energy and your emotions. They are spiritually connected and emotionally intelligent beings that are not “sullied” by a society that tells us not to trust our own intuition. They will guide you and Julie will interpret their behavior for you. It's a little like getting a “reading” from a horse. 🙂
  • Education on horse behavior, whether based in neuroscience or Julie's experience of rehabbing and training numerous neglected, anxious and even feral/wild horses.
  • Visiting the energetic hot spots on the property, primarily certain trees that have energies that even non-sensitive people have been able to recognize. Visit the Magic Tree and the Dragon Tree!

The Extra Magic of the Horse Magic Experience

Julie has been doing private sessions for over 14 years. As time has gone on, her own work on herself and her passion for helping people and horses has brought her into such alignment that her energy itself actually activates the magic of those who are around her.

That activation can mean opening up your intuition, your ability to do energy healing, or to tap into your heart or your shadows with peace. It is different for each person and is sometimes difficult to put into words. You just have to experience it.

Sometimes that magic even begins after simply booking a session. But the real magic happens when the session or Horse Magic experience actually takes place.

You get her entire focus, which is centralized around your needs and your desires for yourself and/or your horses (or other animals.) Being a professional intuitive for so long allows Julie to “just know” what you need even if you don't know it yourself.

This time with Julie is a completely non-judgmental space. Your shape, life experiences/choices, size, gender (or lack thereof), sexual preference, past or current addictions, relationship choices, etc. do not matter. When you are with Julie and her horses, all they ask that is that you be yourself, whatever that may be.

The experience will flow according to whatever shows up that day. Sometimes it looks exactly like what you are hoping for and sometimes it will evolve into something else entirely.

Julie's ability to ebb and flow with what shows up is part of the Magic of the experience. She asks that you have an open mind and a similar philosophy on the day of your Horse Magic Experience.

Details You Need to Know Before Booking a Horse Magic Experience

  • The Length is 2-2 1/2 hours long.
  • You MUST wear close-toed shoes to be around the horses. Julie typically also recommends blue jeans as the brush and stickers can be itchy and bothersome.
  • You will be asked to sign a Liability Release Form
  • You must be at least 16 years of age to attend. For minors, a parent must provide written permission or be present.
  • There is no bathroom on the premises. Julie has a “camp toilet” (5 gallon bucket with a toilet seat) or there are stalls available if you're not opposed.
  • These are outdoor experiences and are subject to change on short-notice due to the weather. While extreme cold/heat and rain/storms are obvious factors, high winds or recent rains causing mud are also factors that could require a reschedule. You must be understanding and be willing to trust Julie's judgement on this. Your safety and that of the horses is of the utmost importance to Julie.
  • If you are highly afraid of horses, this is not the session for you. Julie is happy to book a private one-one-one session with you if you are wanting to overcome your fear of horses. This would be a shorter session to start however.
  • The cost is per person. Julie will do up to three people in a small group. If you're interested in a larger group for team building, goal setting, etc. please contact Julie for arranging.

Booking Your Horse Magic Experience

The cost is $180 per person. After purchasing, please text or call Julie at 512 633 6191 or by email at to schedule. If she doesn't hear from you first, she will contact you at the email address provided when you purchased.

You can purchase your Horse Magic Experience at this link:

Julie can't wait for you to experience the magic!