Animal Totems or Animal Spirit Guides are beloved and have long been a part of indigenous spiritual practices, mythology, as well as more modern-day metaphysics. The love of animals, and the healing and wisdom they bring, fascinates young and old alike. Uncover the spiritual significance of your unique animal totem and embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery.

Animal Totems sometimes stay with a person long-term and may be called “power totems.” Other times they appear solely to deliver a brief, in-the moment message, or they may stay for a season. A “season” will be unique to the person and what kind of support and guidance the person needs.


Julie Bradshaw leaning on palomino horse with turquoise halter named Ankh

From her love of all animals, and particularly horses, as a young child to doing animal communication and energetic bodywork on horses as an adult, Julie has a very special bond and connection with animals, both domestic and wild. Her ability to communicate on both the physical and energetic planes has been called shamanistic.

She has been coaching and guiding people about animal totems, both real and mythological, for over a decade. Thus she knows that people struggle to trust the messages they receive and their own intuition, while also finding the world of animal spirit guides as something quite magical.

Animal Totem Year-Long Service

Example of Facebook image provided by Animal Totem Service by Julie Bradshaw.  Elephant on black background with text "metamorphosis, ancient power, strength and royalty."

Julie wanted to offer a unique way to get you, her fellow spiritual animal lovers, connected to one of your animal spirit guides. But not only to connect once, but to stay connected for an extended period of time. This allows the animal totem wisdom to really integrate and be used in your life.

She is now offering a year-long modern-day animal totem service that will include the following:

  • Julie will intuit your animal totem for you. This animal totem may be a mammal, a bird, a sea animal, a reptile, an insect or even a mythological creature. There are no “bad” animal totems. They all have wisdom and insight to share.
  • Julie will research AND intuit information about the animal spirit guide for you. Thus the information Julie provides will be educational AND some of it will be 100% unique to you. You can use and embody this information for self-discovery, personal evolution, decision-making and more.
  • Within one week of purchasing, Julie will send you an email with your animal totem for the coming year, along with:
    *researched and intuited information about the animal and why it will be important to you for the coming year
    *a printable PDF flyer for reference
    *a phone wallpaper image
    *Facebook and/or Instagram images for sharing.
  • Each calendar month for the remaining 11 months you will receive a personal text message from Julie. The text will include a reminder of your animal and an accompanying intuited message. This helps you to integrate and use the wisdom and magic of the animal throughout the year.
  • BONUS: US residents: A surprise gift mailed to you sometime throughout the year
    International residents: An electronic or service bonus surprise.
Example of PDF flyer provided in Animal Totem Service by Julie Bradshaw.  Text related to an elephant as an animal totem along with two images of elephants.

Optional One-Time Only Animal Totem

If you need a different option, Julie will offer a secondary choice of receiving ONLY:

*The intuited Animal Totem
*The email with the researched and intuited information
*Phone wallpaper image
*The Facebook and/or Instagram image for sharing

This option will NOT include:

  • The printable PDF flyer for reference
  • The monthly personal text message reminders and messages
  • The BONUS surprise gift received sometime through the calendar year.

How to Get Your Animal Totem Service

The Year-Long Animal Totem Service is just $150 US. The One-Time only option is $90.

To get yours, just select the option you desire by clicking on the button below. Once purchased Julie will reach out to you if she has your contact information OR please send her an email at with your preferred email address.

Animal Totem Service

Animal Totem Service

$90.00 – $150.00

Buy now