Julie Bradshaw Sessions Home

I will divide these sessions into virtual only and sessions/events at the location of my horses. Each has a short explanation and link to the page with additional information.

Virtual Only

Discovering Peace Sessions–These are the virtual/long-distance sessions I've been doing since 2009. These are for energy clearings, dark energy clearings, card readings, space clearings, mediumship work, animal communication and energy clearing for horses and other pets, intuition development, life coaching, or anything else you might feel I can help with. Click on Discovering Peace Sessions to learn more and book your session!

Ace in the Hole Sessions–These are my one-of-a-kind sessions to slay those personal demons that have been with you for most, if not all, your life, even potentially since you were in utero. If you have always felt like a shadow hung over you, you've endured many challenges and no matter what you do, you can never quite get rid of the shadow, this session is for you. Click on Ace in the Hole Sessions to learn more and book yours.

Animal Totem Service-Want to know what animal is around you for the next 12 months? Want to have a phone wallpaper, screen saver and printable to remind you year round? Click on Animal Totem Service to learn more and get yours.

Horse Session/Event Sessions Home

Solitude with Horses Sessions-These sessions are for people who are survivors of or are still undergoing grief/trauma, caregivers of all types, or those just overwhelmed with life. These include extended alone time with my horses after a little time with me to learn about the horses, review safety measures, etc. You can also book some extra time with me for coaching followup. Click on Solitude with Horses Sessions to learn more and book yours!

Horse Magic Experience–If you're interested in animal communication, particularly with horses, developing your own intuition, and exploring the magic of horses, this session is for you. It is a mini-clinic or event scheduled at our mutual convenience. It can just be you or if you have up to 2 more friends that want to do it as well, this is an option. To learn more and get signed up, click on Horse Magic Experience.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon: Hug a Horse Events. These will be short meet and greet events with the horses for several individuals, small groups or 1-2 families. I prefer to keep these small so that everyone gets time with the horses and can get all their questions answered. I plan to have a photo background set up for fun, shareable photos also! (I'm also a photographer.) If I don't have a page set up yet and you'd like to book one of these, please feel free to call or text me at 512-633-6191 for more information or to schedule. (It's just me, and between horses, business and kids, it sometimes takes me longer than I'd like to get things on my website. 🙂 )

Coming Soon: Horse Camps/Horse Care 101 Do you or your kids want to spend time with horses or know more about caring for horses? Do you want to brush them, do some braids in their manes, paint on their bodies, or want the ins and outs of what is involved in owning and caring for a horse? Maybe you are thinking about purchasing? These events are NOT just for kids! These can be for adults too. 😉 If I don't have a page set up yet and you'd like to book one of these, please feel free to call or text me at 512-633-6191 for more information or to schedule. (It's just me, and between horses, business and kids, it sometimes takes me longer than I'd like to get things on my website. 🙂 )

Coming Soon: Equine Led Coaching. These sessions are 50/50 sessions with me and the horses. Horses are highly intuitive animals that respond to your emotions, your energy, and even your physical body. They will respond and guide you with their behavior and I will interpret their behavior for you. These are wildly insightful sessions. If I don't have a page set up yet and you'd like to book one of these, please feel free to call or text me at 512-633-6191 for more information or to schedule. (It's just me, and between horses, business and kids, it sometimes takes me longer than I'd like to get things on my website. 🙂 )