Year Preview or Solar Return/Birthday Reading


This reading has been THE most popular “special” reading I've done over the years.  Originally offered at the end/beginning of years only, I opened it up for Birthday readings as well.

This is the card reading ONLY.  I also have a reading with a half-hour session package!

For each month, I pull two cards, giving you insight into that month and what it may hold or what you need to know.  You get your very own card reading for every month of the next year, whether it is the calendar year or the year between your birthdays.

Sessions are conducted via Zoom so that you (or your gift recipient) can see the cards as I pull them and so that it can be recorded for reference.  (Zoom is very easy to use even if you've never used it before.). After the call, I will take a picture of all the cards and send them to you for your reference.

After you purchase, I will contact you for scheduling.  Depending on our mutual availability, I can typically get you in fairly quickly.

These readings are usually fun and full of hope and insight.  I recommend bringing a notebook or paper to take notes if that helps you, but you will also get the recording of the call if you'd rather just listen and then write things down later.

After purchase, please send me your general availability and time zone/city, country via Messenger, text 512-633-6191, or email ( so that I can get you scheduled.  I won't have your contact information otherwise so this is very important to do.

If you are purchasing as a gift, please send me the recipient's name and have them contact me with the same information.

I do have a $25 rescheduling fee for any session not rescheduled with 24-hours notice and a no-refund policy.  You can transfer it to someone else however.



This reading has been THE most popular “special” reading I've done over the years.  Originally offered at the end/beginning of years only, I opened it up for Birthday readings as well.  

This is the card reading ONLY.  It takes about 30 minutes in most cases, but I usually advise to allot 45 minutes in your calendar just in case.  I also have a reading with a half-hour session package!  

For each month, I pull two cards, giving you insight into that month and what it may hold or what you need to know.  You get your very own card reading for every month of the next year, whether it is the calendar year or the year between your birthdays.  

Sessions are conducted via Zoom so that you (or your gift recipient) can see the cards as I pull them and so that it can be recorded for reference.  (Zoom is very easy to use even if you've never used it before.).

After the call, I will take a picture of all the cards and send them to you for your reference.  

After you purchase, I will contact you for scheduling.  Depending on our mutual availability, I can typically get you in fairly quickly.  

These readings are usually fun and full of hope and insight!

I recommend bringing a notebook or paper to take notes if that helps you, but you will also get the recording of the call if you'd rather just listen and then write things down later. 

After purchase, please send me your general availability and time zone or city, country via:

  • Messenger,
  • Text 512-633-6191, OR
  • Email (

so that I can get you scheduled. 

I won't have your contact information otherwise so this is very important to do. 

If you are purchasing as a gift, please send me the recipient's name and have them contact me with the same information.  

I do have a $25 rescheduling fee for any session not rescheduled with 24-hours notice and a no-refund policy.  You can transfer it to someone else however.  


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