Whether you call them Mane Beads, Rhythm Beads, Mane Bling, or Bridle Bling, you won't find anything else like the ones handmade by Julie Bradshaw. Every strand includes semi-precious crystals and/or colorful beads. But both as Julie makes them, and before she ships them out to individuals or stores who carry them, she infuses them with her magical energy.

Not only will your horse, (or you, or your dog) receive the benefits of the specific crystals she has chosen, but every strand of Mane Beads is infused with wonderful, empowering, and in some cases, healing energy.

Labradorite and Hematite Mane Beads by Julie Bradshaw

What are Mane Beads?

Mane Beads for Horses are not only beautiful, but helpful strands of beads made with semi-precious crystals and beads, infused with energy. They are a creation inspired by Julie's own horses.

Julie wears a bracelet made with tiny crystal beads on it and all of her horses loved to nuzzle it with their muzzle. One day after it happened again for what seemed to be a millionth time, it struck her that maybe the horses LIKED THE CRYSTALS.

And the idea of Mane Beads was born. After ordering some supplies, she made a few to try out on her horses. The near instant response of yawning, releasing stress, and even a burst of energy told her she was onto something. She posted them on Facebook for her friends to see. Right away several people said they wanted to buy some for their own horses.

What surprised Julie even more was the people wanting them not only for their horses, but for their dogs. They even wanted some for themselves or their loved ones.

How to Use?

When it comes to horses, easier is better. But sturdy is important. Julie makes the strands easy to put on by securing small alligator clamps at each end. Not only are they easy to use but they stay connected to the mane hair well.

Julie's own horses have tested them fully by galloping in them, rolling in them (although beads are not designed to withstand a thousand pound animal rolling on them, the clips held), and trotting in them.

If you'd like to insure they stay in longer, you can use small black rubber bands like used for mane braiding to secure them more fully or for longer periods.

Leaving them in the mane of an unsupervised horse is not recommended but the clamps will come loose if they were to happen to catch on something.

Where to buy Mane Beads?

Julie is creating and posting some here, but her full inventory is in her shop. If you go directly to her shop, you can do a search for “Mane Beads” and all of her inventory will be brought up. She frequently posts them on her Facebook page as well.

Keep in mind, many of these are ONE OF A KIND.

Purchase any of the ones below by clicking on the title or in the link in the picture and it will take you to the item in her shop. There you will find the benefits of the crystals included on the strand, price, etc.

If you have a specific need for your horse, your dog, yourself or a loved one, you can contact Julie to inquire about a custom strand she can make just for you. Or book a full session with her.

If you have a website, online store or storefront that would like to carry Mane Beads, please contact Julie.

A Few Available Strands

Ruby Zoisite and Red Agate Mane Beads

Tiger's Eye and Yellow Mookaite Mane Beads

Amazonite and Turquoise-Colored Mane Beads

Sodalite and Citrine Mane Beads

Red Agate and Rose Quartz Mane Beads