Julie's Philosophy on Horses

I've been called a “horse whisperer” many times, but so much of what I do with my horses is about connection.  I connect with my horses with my intuition, using horse behavior, neuroscience, and knowledge of their particular personalities.  

I have rescued numerous horses and most of the time I've spent with them has been on the ground, rather than on their back like most people.  Whether it has been their health, their anxiety or their age, I've only been able to ride a few of them.  Being on the ground has given me a highly unique perspective and has enabled me to connect with them in a way most horse people never do.  

My experience with my own fears, trauma, anxiety, and sensitive, intuitive soul has enabled me to relate to the horses who find me in a vastly unique way.  I truly strive to treat each of them individually. While their training may include common components, what I do for one in some respects may be completely different than what I do for another. 

I use a wide variety of tools to help them including but not limited to the neuroscience of horses (and humans), how their instinct impacts their behavior, how MY own energy, emotions and experiences impact their behavior, the most up-to-date research on equine diet and physical health, and a plethora of training approaches learned through experience and the study of other trainers.  

I combine my 30 years of experience in teaching, training and coaching of people and horses to help my horses find THEIR peace.  Maybe something in their stories and photos will help you find a bit as well.  

Julie's Current Personal Horses

Julie Bradshaw's horses, Teddy a dark bay walking toward photographer, palomino horse behind grazing, chestnut horse further behind grazing


Teddy is an OTTB (an off the track thoroughbred.). He only ran two races and ran too slow to be a racehorse.  😉 But he has a soft heart and strong leadership abilities.  At over 17 hands high, Teddy is likely the largest Teddy Bear you will ever meet.  

Julie Bradshaw's horse. Face closeup of Dancer, a chestnut horse in black and white


Dancer came to me needing a great deal of nutrition and some other care, but he has turned into this gorgeous, attentive, sensitive soul.  He is an Anglo Arab, 20 years old at the time he came to me in late 2023. He is by far the calmest of my three. 

 Shall we call you the horse whisperer? You do a wonderful work. You have a gifted talent & soothing, trusting soul.Member FB Group


Fyre is the son of a stallion I rescued. An unplanned breeding between he and a Peruvian Paso mare I had, created this beautiful Palomino colt, now gelding. He was born February 27, 2022. He is sassy and sweet, like his daddy who has moved to a new home, but definitely is more affectionate. He would literally get in my pocket if he could.

Julie Bradshaw's horse Fyre and horse Teddy. A palomino horse greeting a bay horse

“You should have your own show.  What you did with Magic the other day…….you can’t make that up. Either you can or you can’t…….and you can. Share it with the world.”~ In response to my getting Magic, a mare, to trust me enough to seek out my touch in 45 minutes, when her owner hadn't been able to touch her in 2 years!  Member, FB Group

Julie Bradshaw showed me what to do to strengthen the bond with my horses. We worked with one in particular that was a rescue who was stressing over where the other horses were, but finally gave a deep sigh and relaxed enough with me to start to fall asleep. I can't believe how much she's changed; she approaches me now which she didn't do before. The change was amazing!” Mary Rangel, Smithville, TX