Ready to book a Discovering Peace session with me? Or want to know what a session is like?

Ultimately, what I want for you or your animals at the end of every session is to feel peace.

I use a variety of tools to help accomplish that. While I am widely known for using my energy clearing and intuitive gifts, I also am highly skilled in trauma recovery, emotionally-intelligent communication, and even horse training. Whether you are into “the woo” or not, I can help you find peace in my sessions. Each session is unique to you and what you most need assistance with.

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A session with me can include ANYTHING I do, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Full History In the first session and as needed in followup sessions, I will get as much information from you about the challenges or questions you have. This allows me to identify patterns you may not have seen yourself, get to the true root of the issue, and ensure that I'm evaluating every possible perspective or angle on the situation.
  • Energy clearing on Horses/Animals or People (This can be used for trauma, energetic blocks, cord cutting, physical or emotional issues, chakra clearing, or other related areas.)
  • Life coaching
  • Animal Communication (Pet Psychic, Pet Communicator)
  • Mindset/Manifestation
  • Medium Work (This is not only communicating with souls, human or animal, that have crossed over, but also crossing over souls that have passed unexpectedly, by suicide, violently/accidentally.)
  • Relationships with/between People, Horses, Pets
  • Limiting Beliefs, Recognizing the Resistance or Messages Your Body Sends, Identifying Patterns
  • Tarot Card readings/Oracle Card Readings
  • Space Clearing (This can include clearing houses, businesses, land, buildings, and/or clearing specific or general contents of buildings. For instances, some antiques need to be cleared of energy.)
  • Intuition Development (Want to learn how to trust yourself, develop or expand your own intuitive gifts, energy healing work, etc.? I LOVE to help teach this work.)

If you'd like to see a long-distance energy healing session, check out this video: From Anxious to Chill, An Energy Healing/Clearing on Sal, an OTTB with Trauma. (Even though this is with a horse, I do essentially the same energy healing process with people.)

If you don't want to watch the whole video, watch the first 30 seconds of the video as the horse's behavior continued like this for 14 more minutes until I actually started doing the energy healing on him. Advance the video to 14 minutes in and watch how his behavior changes in exactly ONE MINUTE. If you want to see exactly what a session with me is like you can watch some or all of the video. I do the same thing with any virtual session, whether human or animal (or both.)

Virtual or long-distance intuitive/energy healing sessions are available in half-hour or 1-hour increments primarily. Currently, a half-hour session is $80 USD and a 1-hour session is $120 USD.

(In-person sessions (whether for horses or other animals) will also use approximately the same rates as a baseline but may be adjusted for session purpose, time, travel, etc. Just contact me about your situation. )

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Whiskey didn't let anyone touch her nose. After I worked on her, she let her owner finally begin to pet and touch her nose.
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A half-hour session is best if you've had a session with me before and just need some followup or if you only have one or two issues to look at/address. A one-hour session is best if you're a first time client, or have more than 1 or 2 simple issues/topics/questions.

Virtual sessions are conducted via phone or Zoom (your choice based on if you desire a recording and/or video, or don't need either.) Zoom is very easy to use even if you've never used it before.
Sessions are simply like a conversation between friends.  They are NEVER scary. It is always my desire to have you leave any session with peace, clarity and feeling empowered.  

I have recently (end of April 2024) set up a booking AND scheduling system through Square. You can click HERE, or any of the Book Now buttons,to both book and schedule your session. PLEASE NOTE the availability of the Discovering Peace sessions. I do these primarily in afternoons Monday through Thursday as my mornings are set up for the new Solitude with Horses sessions due to the weather here in Texas. I do NOT do Discovering Peace Sessions on Saturdays, only Monday through Thursday.

If you cannot find a time available on my scheduling calendar that works for you, please call or text me at 512-633-6191, or email ( so that I can get you scheduled at a time that works for both of us. 

If you are purchasing as a gift, please purchase below and send me the recipient's name and have them contact me with their availability and time zone/city, country.  

To book a half-hour GIFT session with Julie, go to this link in my shop and purchase. To purchase a GIFT one-hour session with Julie, go to this link in my shop and purchase.