Is Ace in the Hole for You?

The Ace in the Hole energy healing session is designed to transform you if you have had a lifetime of challenge. One of those lives where you wonder, maybe more than once, if you've been cursed for instance. Now imagine that curse, that shadow, just being gone….POOF!

My Ace in the Hole is the execution of a technique that I did on myself first, due to my own life time of challenge. And it changed my life almost instantly. I knew right away that I had to do it for others.

Personal Background

Here is a list of some of the challenges I have endured:

  • An “oops” baby to my unwed parents who were then forced to marry. My mother was pressed by my father's family to get an abortion but she refused. They came from opposite lifestyles. My mother's family were farmers. My father's family were upper middle class. My mother became resentful and depressed, and my father became an alcoholic.
  • My parents divorced when I was in elementary school and my father was killed in a motorcycle accident when I was 9 years old. My mother remarried a man I didn't like.
  • That stepfather was mildly sexually abusive to me in my teens as well as being emotionally abusive. My mother admitted when I was an adult that she knew he had been doing inappropriate things. She never tried to stop him. They eventually divorced when he cheated on her. When I confronted my mother about why she never protected me, she told me that when she did, that was when he cheated on her. (In essence, she blamed me for him cheating on her and ultimately divorcing her.)
  • My oldest son was diagnosed with autism, ADHD and a learning disability. His needs were high and traumatic.
  • In 2013, I began to experience a series of brutal challenges that no one could explain. These went on consistently until 2023. From a nasty divorce, to near homelessness more than once, to multiple serious accidents in one year, to having to put down my horse soulmate, to numerous vehicle issues, to health issues, and ultimately almost losing my business. As a result of this barrage of challenges, there were a couple of times I just simply wanted to give up on life completely. Between my kids and spending gobs of alone time with my horses (how the Solitude with Horses sessions were born), I chose to live instead.

How Ace in the Hole was Born

  • In 2023 I read a book called Reality Transurfing that really changed much of my outlook on life, and some things definitely improved. However, finances remained a struggle, as did my overall happiness with life. I just felt overshadowed and wanted my joy back.
  • I consistently used the tools I had in my substantial arsenal to focus on what I wanted most in life: safety, happiness, ecstasy, zestiness, abundance, luck, and love. It took time but I did not give up.
  • Ultimately, a new tool, the Ace in Hole I named it, was given to me that eliminated the ultimate source of not only the challenge from 2013-2024, but really all the challenge I had experienced my entire life.
  • As soon as I did the Ace in the Hole on myself I felt the difference. The shadow was lifted, my motivation returned, the remaining doubts and fear about money were gone. I felt HAPPY and SAFE in a way I never had in my entire life.

Now Available

Having worked with people one on one for 15 years with clearing trauma, cutting energetic cords, personal and business coaching, relationship issues, dark energy, and so much more, I know the huge need for individuals who have had lifelong challenges to get full relief.

I'm now offering Ace in the Hole by itself and as packages (to do followup for the technique itself).

The Ace in the Hole by itself will include up to 1 1/2 hours of session time to review a comprehensive history of your life challenges and then I will do an equally comprehensive Ace in the Hole technique. This option is only $220.

The Package session will include 2 1-hour followup sessions to discuss life progress after the technique was done, tools to incorporate the changes, and to celebrate the success of your new life! This option is only $400.

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PLEASE NOTE: These should be afternoon or evening only appointments. I set aside mornings for my Solitude with Horses sessions and for caring for my horses.