Regaining Self-Worth (andValue) After Trauma

Trauma Release Guided Meditation

Regaining self-worth after trauma can be a multi-faceted issue. I'm not here to tell you I have all the answers. But I have at least one, and it only takes 25 minutes.

Sometimes you just have to start with one tool, especially when you've experienced significant trauma.

I experienced significant trauma myself from 2014 to 2021, with a heavy focus around financial challenges. I thought once the constant “emergencies” themselves finally came to an end that things would get better for me financially. And while they did improve somewhat, not remotely to the level that I needed them to be.

I have studied trauma responses in both humans and horses in an effort to help my son with autism, his brother, my rescue horses, clients and myself. While I'm no neuroscientist, I've read enough books, medical articles and attended enough trainings to consider myself educated. This enabled me to come up with the below.

After the worst of the challenges had passed, I realized that I continued to have what I would call a “freeze” response to many responsibilities related to finances. I also realized that it created a cycle of shame and guilt, and that over time it had robbed me of my sense of value. I wasn't valuing myself in the way I had most of my life once the trauma really settled into my body.

Freeze Response

Physically, the freeze response, along with the more commonly known fight or flight responses, occurs in the cerebellum of the brain. During the call, which was done in video format, I shared this image so that you can see where the cerebellum of the brain is located (in case you've forgotten your brain anatomy.).

Cerebellum of the Brain Fight Flight Freeze Response

This is where the most intense trauma responses occur and I focused on this area in the meditation, but also on the brain as a whole, as trauma responses vary from extreme to mild. As the responses move away from extreme, the part of the brain responsible for the responses changes from the cerebellum to other parts of the brain.

I have always been a very driven, focused and successful professional and after experiencing years of trauma and stress, I began to lose my drive, my focus and even my success. It was sneaky and subtle, and took me years to figure it all out.

I don't want it to take years, or one minute longer, for you to figure it out.

Regaining Your Innate Value

I think regaining your self-worth after trauma, and more specifically even, your self-value, is the catalyst for finally moving on from trauma. When you realize that you are NOT the trauma, that you have so much innate value, then you can leave it behind you. I explain why I think value is even more important than self-worth in the call before the Release Trauma meditation.

Once I was finally ready for this freeze response around finances to come to an end, I began to see the connection between the trauma, the shame and the loss of value.

It also occurred to me that there was a family pattern with financial emergencies, shame, and a trauma response. So, it wasn't just me, but it was in my ancestry too.

Release Trauma Guided Meditation

I did this “release trauma” guided meditation for myself. In addition to releasing the trauma from my body, it was just as important to me that it included taking back my VALUE.

It was so immediately effective that I knew I had to share it with the world. Regaining self-worth after trauma can have so many positive and reverberating effects!

There is much greater detail in this call and guided meditation. When I wrote this meditation, it was very very important to me that attendees and anyone listening to the recording later, felt SAFE. Trauma is not something to be taken lightly and I took it very seriously when writing the meditation.

After doing this call live, I asked the attendees to share what they experienced after the meditation (not included in the recording for confidentiality purposes).

Every single one of them said they “felt an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility throughout the meditation and afterwards.

This is the best testimonial I could have received! From trauma to tranquility…in 25 minutes. (The call is a total of 45 minutes but the meditation itself is only 25 minutes!)

Just 25 minutes to release your trauma and regain your self-worth and value after trauma! Go get yours and let me know how it helped YOU!

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